
A platform designed to create a strong confident and empowered pipeline of female leaders through executive coaching programs.

Is the brain child of

Maggie Chan Jones, Founder & CEO Maggie is the first female CMO of SAP and has recently been named as one of the world’s most influential CMOs by Forbes.

Built for

Women who are seeking to accelerate their career with a mission to advance gender diversity and leadership development via executive coaching.

Ionixx likes to find simple solutions to complex challenges!

Our challenge with Tenshey was to help the high-profile coaches to set their availability for Tenshey and publish a calendar to begin coaching.

Our design process to

breakdown a challenge!

Time Availability Setting for Coaches
Use the mental model of time :When our design team sat to ideate on devising an efficient time scheduling system for Tenshey’s coaches, we realized that we could tap into the users’ mental models to understand how they perceived time.
Solution-focused to user-focused :We shifted our thought perspective from solution-focused to user-focused since we found that most users defined time in terms of days and months, rather than hours.
Group ideationIdeation

Task Flow

We created a detailed task flow while designing distinct features for Tenshey’s executive coaching platform.

Task flow for Time Availability Indicator/Scheduler feature

Task Flow

  • Once confirmed, publish your calendar
  • Review the availability you have set. This gives you a view on how your calendar is being displayed to the member
  • To set multiple timings for the days, keep adding new timeframes
  • Select the timings you want to allocate for Tenshey and specify days
  • To set different availability for various set of dates, keep adding multiple set of dates
  • To set different availability for various set of dates, keep adding multiple set of dates
Visual portfolio

We built low-fidelity wireframes from the existing task flows to make early design inroads and check for functionality, behavior, and hierarchy of content. This step helped us validate our ideas with users before moving forward.

When viewers look at a monochrome wireframe, all they see is structure. There aren’t any colors or shades on particular elements that fight for their attention. Instead, everything is equal weight so you can focus on the whole user experience.

Visual Design

We then focused on visual design to shape and improve the user experience considering the effects of illustrations, photography, typography, space, layouts, and color on the usability of products and on their aesthetic appeal.

viusal design
Visual portfolio
Visual portfolio

We Enabled Tenshey to Build a Learner-centric & Efficient Executive Coaching Platform

Coaching platform

A win-win for both the coach and the coachees

By creating a user-centric design powered by robust mapping algorithms and chemistry calling features, we helped both coaches and coachees to have an enjoyable learning experience.

Learning experience

An intent-rich learning experience

By connecting micro-moments (moments when someone wants to learn, go, do) through a well-defined data and analytics system, we were able to drive better experiences throughout the customer journey for Tenshey.

UX researched

A well-defined UX research backed by a shared vision for success

By conducting structured research of users and their needs and behavior, we were able to develop a user-centric design that strongly resonated with Tenshey’s vision for success.